Business and community assistance

Assisting communities and businesses to face climate and environmental challenges.

Amendments to the Environmental Protection Act 1986

The Environmental Protection Amendment Act 2020 is the most significant reform of Western Australia’s environmental legislation in more than 30 years. It introduces a raft of amendments to Western Australia’s primary environmental legislation – the Environmental Protection Act 1986 (EP Act).


The BurnWise program promotes the efficient operation of domestic wood heaters to minimise smoke emissions (or particle pollution).

Compliance and Enforcement Policy

The Department of Water and Environmental Regulation (the department) is responsible for ensuring the state’s water resources and environment are healthy, and able to support a strong economy and thriving communities.

Container deposit scheme

Containers for Change allows consumers to take empty beverage containers covered by the scheme to a refund point to receive a refund of 10 cents.

Environmental enforcement

The Department of Water and Environmental Regulation will actively seek to identify breaches, rectify non-compliance and take appropriate enforcement action against those who breach legislation.

Government Emissions Interim Target

The Government of Western Australia has committed to a whole-of-government 2030 greenhouse gas emissions reduction target of 80 per cent below 2020 levels.

Illegal dumping

The Department of Water and Environmental Regulation investigates and prosecutes illegal dumping offences under the Environmental Protection Act 1986 (EP Act).

Managed aquifer recharge

The Department of Water and Environmental Regulation (the department) has updated its policy on managed aquifer recharge (MAR).

Plastic Free Places WA

Join the Plastic Free Places Program, switch to plastic-free alternatives and become a Plastics Free Champion.

Program: Pilbara Environmental Offsets Fund

The Pilbara Environmental Offsets Fund (PEOF) delivers environmental offset projects in the Pilbara bioregion of Western Australia in partnership with traditional owners, conservation agencies, industry and government.

Single-Use Plastic Working Group

Stage one of Western Australia’s Plan for Plastics includes the phase-out of several single-use plastic items, including plastic straws.

Water and environmental compliance

As a responsive and credible regulator, the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation strives to consistently apply and enforce the laws we are responsible for administering.

Western Australia’s Plan for Plastics

Regulations to enact Stage 1 and 2 of WA’s Plan for Plastics are now active. The phase-out of Stage 2 items began on 27 February 2023, with staggered commencement of bans.