Office of Digital Government

Leading and coordinating digital transformation across government to improve service delivery and reduce regulatory burden for Western Australian people and businesses.
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The Office of Digital Government (DGov) is an Office within the Department of the Premier and Cabinet. DGov leads, supports and coordinates the digital transformation of the WA public sector.

Digital transformation is fundamental to a modern and effective public sector. Digital enables WA Government agencies to change the way they work, and reorient their services and processes around the needs of people and businesses – rather than the structures of government.

DGov works with WA Government agencies to support and accelerate their digital transformation journeys. DGov’s three business units are focussed on building and implementing whole of government digital, data and cyber capabilities and providing strategic support, to help agencies reform the way they deliver services to their customers.

DGov leads and coordinates the implementation of the Digital Strategy for the Western Australian Government 2021-2025. The Digital Strategy puts people, businesses and communities at its centre and sets the vision for a public sector that leverages digital to deliver convenient, smart and secure services for all Western Australians.

DGov is also responsible for the administration of the WA Government’s Digital Capability Fund (the Fund). The Fund aims to drive more strategic and targeted investment in digital transformation across government and provide the capacity to upgrade legacy ICT systems. 

How are we transforming?

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