Consultations and Reviews

Energy Policy WA regularly undertakes public consultation processes and holds industry stakeholder workshops, presentations and forums on energy reform initiatives.
Last updated:
Working together

Energy Policy WA is committed to ongoing stakeholder consultation.  Should you have any queries regarding our consultations please email:

Stay up to date by subscribing to our regular newsletters

You can also find out more about our working groups on the Stakeholder Engagement page. 

Open Consultations and upcoming events

All Energy Policy WA's open consultations are listed below, along with information on other energy related consultations.
Wholesale Electricity Market Investment Certainty Review5:00pm (AWST)  
15 August 2024 

Closed Consultations

All Energy Policy WA's closed consultations are listed below.
Miscellaneous Amendments No.35:00pm (AWST)
8 July 2024
Consultation Paper: Supplementary capacity review5:00pm (AWST)
8 July 2024
Market Advisory Committee Review: Stage 1 - Consultation Paper31 May 2024
Independent audit on the effectiveness of the Procedure Change Process  - Consultation Paper  31 May 2024
Proposed Changes to the Electricity Industry (Wholesale Electricity Market) Regulations 2004 26 April 2024
Demand Side Response Review: Exposure Draft of WEM Amending Rules 24 April 2024
Proposed licence exemptions for the co-location of storage and generating works12 April 2024
AEMO'S revised WEM Procedures14 March 2024
AEMO’s draft revised FCESS Accreditation WEM Procedure11 March 2024
Facility Class Wholesale Electricity Market (WEM) Procedure1 March 2024
Blair Fox PTY LTD Licence Exemption Application20 June 2023
National Gas Law: Western Australian adoption of amended National Gas Objective to include emission reductions18 December 2023
AEMO’s Commissioning Tests WEM Procedure for consultation27 November 2023

Cost Allocation Review – WEM Amending Rules Exposure


28 November 2023
BRCP Reference Technology Review - Consultation Paper30 November 2023
Consultation on proposed licence exemptions for the construction of electricity and gas distribution systems by third party developers.10 November 2023
Consultation Paper: Demand Side Response Review2 November 2023
Release of AEMO’s draft Dispatch Settlement and Monitoring Data WEM Procedure and draft Constraint Formulation WEM Procedure for consultation15 September 2023
Reserve Capacity Mechanism Review – WEM Amending Rules Exposure Draft19 October 2023
Release of AEMO’s draft Prudential Requirements WEM Procedure for consultation20 September 2023
Consultation on AEMO's draft Commission Tests and draft Individual Reserve Capacity Requirements WEM procedures13 September 2023
Draft WEM Procedure: Dispute Resolution Mechanism for the release of Market Information11 September 2023
Draft WEM Guideline: Non-Co-optimised Essential System Services7 September 2023
Stand-alone Power Systems (SPS) Amendment to Regulations8 September 2023
Consultation on Western Power’s draft Loss Factor Determination WEM Procedure 8 September 2023
Release of AEMO’s draft WEM Procedures for consultation1 September 2023
Release of AEMO’s Determination of Market Schedules WEM Procedure for consultation28 August 2023
AEMO’s draft Identification of Affected Dispatch Intervals and draft Essential System Service Quantities WEM Procedures for consultation25 August 2023
Exposure Drafts – Tranche 7 and Market Suspension Wholesale Electricity Market Amending Rules16 August 2023
Draft Outage Data Conversion Procedure - V0.1 Consultation28 July 2023
RC 2014 05: Reduced Frequency of the Review of the Energy Price Limits and the Maximum Reserve Capacity Price - Draft Rule Change Report28 July 2023
RC 2018 03: Capacity Credit Allocation Methodology for Intermittent Generators - Draft Rule Change Report28 July 2023
AEMO’s draft Verification of Dispatch Inflexibility WEM Procedure and draft Meter Data Submissions WEM Procedure18 July 2023
WEM Procedure - Outages - V0.1 - Consultation - External9 August 2023
Exposure Draft – Five-Minute Settlement Wholesale Electricity Market Amending Rules7 August 2023
Proposed Changes to the Electricity Networks Access Code - Priority Projects: Consultation Paper4 August 2023
Consultation on draft Voluntary Embedded Networks Code of Practice23 June 2023

AEMO’s GPS Compliance Tests and Generator Monitoring Plans WEM Procedure

6 June 2023
Stage 2 Consultation Paper: Supplementary Reserve Capacity Review21 June 2023
AEMO’s Rule Participant Registration Processes WEM Procedure15 June 2023
Reserve Capacity Mechanism Review: Information Paper (Stage 1) and Consultation Paper (Stage 2)6 June 2023
AEMO’s revised GPS Compliance Tests and Generator Monitoring Plans WEM Procedures6 June 2023
Consultation on the Electricity Industry (DER) Amendment Bill2 June 2023
Consultation on AEMO’s draft Transitional Registration Processes WEM Procedure26 May 2023
AEMO’s draft Certification of Reserve Capacity for the 2022 and 2023 Reserve Capacity Cycles WEM Procedure19 May 2023
Draft Electric Storage Resource Obligation Intervals WEM Procedure19 May 2023
Karara Power application for electricity transmission license exemption15 May 2023
Increasing the threshold for application of the electricity generation licence exemption 13 May 2023
Consultation on AEMO’s Draft Power System Security and Notices and Communications WEM Procedures1 May 2023

For closed consultations prior to May 2019, please see our webpage: Archive: Closed Consultations
