Water allocation plans - South West region

Details of our water allocation plans in the South West region
Last updated:
South West region - Self supply dam in Chapman Brook catchment

Surface water is very important in the South West and provides more than half of the water used in the region.

The region also contains significant fresh groundwater resources stored in a thick succession of sedimentary aquifers in southern Perth Basin and the Collie Basin. Where groundwater is shallow or meets the surface, it supports many high-value, groundwater-dependent environmental features, which are also highly socially and culturally valued.

The Wellington Reservoir on the Collie River is the largest water storage in the South West. Water from the smaller catchments is used for self-supply irrigation, particularly for horticulture and viticulture. Rivers generally flow all year round responding to winter rainfall and are supported by groundwater in the summer; however, climate change is changing this.

Water allocation plans

Allocation planning in the South West is focused on ensuring surface water and groundwater resources are used sustainably and support population growth, economic development and the water-dependent environment.

You can read more about the water allocation plans in this region: