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It is natural to grieve after the loss of a loved one. There are many services available in Western Australia to provide you with advice and support in your grief:
- The Grief Centre of Western Australia provides understanding, support and recovery to people experiencing grief.
- Lifeline WA provides free grief and bereavement counselling.
- Relationships Australia provides counselling and support for grief and loss.
The death of a loved one may be sudden and can be experienced under many different circumstances. Numerous services are available depending on the nature of your loss:
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders
- Palliative Care Australia
- Carers Australia WA or call 1800 007 332.
Help for migrants
Losing someone to cancer
- Cancer Council of WA or call 13 11 20.
- Leukaemia Foundation of WA
- Solaris Cancer Care
Loss due to a crime
- Victim Support Service provided by the Department of Justice.
- A range of groups offer more support services.
Loss of a baby
- SANDS or call 1300 072 637.
- Red Nose Grief and Loss has a 24 hour support line on 1300 308 307.
Loss of a child
Loss of spouse or partner
Regional support services
- Anglicare WA provides rural and remote phone counselling on 1300 114 446.
Sudden loss
- The Coronial Counselling Service can be contacted on 61 8 9425 2900, free call 1800 671 994 or after hours on 0419 904 476.
- ARBOR provided by Anglicare WA
- Suicide Call Back Service
Traffic accidents